
Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Hand-over note

The book will not ship out by mail this time. Lene is visiting in Denmark for a few days, the book will be handed over in person during a day of drawing at the local zoo. (Peter)

Book 01: pages 37-38 finished

Oops, I am so sorry about that. (Lene)

This was so much fun to do. An old worn out brush and a bottle of trusted ink... straight to finish. (I forgot to write in the pagenumber before I scanned it) (Peter)

Book 01: pages 35-36



It's a good thing scanned imgaes can't transcend smells, cause this one is a real stinker. (Peter)

Book 01: pages 33-34




I just couldn't help it, he was screaming for that. (Lene)

I love the feeling of just jumping into the page and hoping for the best. Sometimes in works out fine,like in this one (in my opinion). And then other times, like page 35-36, you're sinking from the second your ill-chosen tool touches the slick surface of the paper. (Peter)